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Identifying and managing stress in the workplace

82% of UK workers suffer from physical pain due to their stress levels at work, according to HR News

Stress is a common experience we all face at some point in our lives. It often arises during times of change or when faced with challenging situations. Believe it or not, stress can sometimes help us achieve our goals and concentrate on the things that matter most due to our ‘fight or flight’ response. Embracing the adrenaline rush can be beneficial and help you achieve success.

However, it can also have the opposite effect and damage our mental well-being. It’s essential to understand how it impacts employees, as well as identify the reasons behind it.

Causes of Stress at Work

Stress impacts people differently; what may stress one individual does not necessarily stress another. The reasons for this are varied and unique depending on the individual’s circumstances. The HSE report that there are six main areas of causes of stress at work: demands, control, support, relationships, role and change.

Employees may report:

  • Can’t cope with the demands of the job
  • Unable to control the way I do my work
  • Don’t receive enough information and support
  • Having trouble with relationships at work
  • Don’t fully understand my role and responsibilities
  • I am not engaged with the businesses undergoing change

If any of those issues are applicable to you, seek support and guidance from your manager, or maybe your business has a Mental Health First Aider you can discuss your concerns with.  On the flip side, should an employee come to you seeking support, look to identify the root of the problem and offer the best help you can provide.

Spotting Signs of StressWomen blowing her nose wrapped in a blanket on sick leave

According to the HSE Government, if workers start acting differently, it can be a sign they are stressed. Managers should look out for signs of stress within their own team and their workers, as listed below. Think about whether the stress could be linked to work pressure.

Signs of stress within your own team:

  • Arguments
  • Higher staff turnover
  • More reports of stress
  • More sickness absence
  • Decreased performance
  • More complaints and grievances

Acting early can reduce the impact of pressure and make it easier to reduce or remove the causes. If as a Manager you are worried that an employee is showing some of these signs, you should encourage them to see their GP. These signs may be symptoms of other conditions.

Signs of stress:

A change in the way someone acts can be a sign of stress, for example, they may:

  • Take more time off
  • Arrive for work later
  • Be more twitchy or nervous

A change in the way someone thinks or feels can also be a sign of stress, for example:

  • Mood swings
  • Being withdrawn
  • Loss of motivation, commitment and confidence
  • Increased emotional reactions – being more tearful, sensitive or aggressive

You can identify this in yourself and manage your own stress levels at work. If you think you have a problem, seek help from your Manager, Agency representative or GP if you are worried for your health.

How can you support a colleague?

Listen without judgement

Sometimes, all someone needs is a listening ear. Just hear what they have to say without interrupting or trying to provide solutions and be a comforting presence.

Offer practical help

If you know the source of their stress, try offering practical help. For example, if they are struggling with a deadline, you could offer to help distribute their workload or see if more training is needed.

Encourage self-care

Encourage them to take a break and engage in self-care activities that they enjoy, such as reading a book, taking a walk, or doing yoga.

Suggest professional help

If their stress goes beyond what you can offer, suggest professional help like a GP, therapy or possibly counselling. Many professionals can offer virtual sessions which can be very helpful if someone is uncomfortable with face-to-face interactions.

Provide some personal techniques

If you know of some stress-relieving techniques, feel free to share them. These could be deep breathing, meditation or a more personal recommendation that has helped to reduce your own anxiety and stress.


Our teams are always on hand to help our colleagues with any stress they feel in their current jobs. We will help to provide support in any way we can. Including our NAvigate+ Colleague Wellbeing portal which offers 24/7 healthcare access, GP services, mental health support and more.


If you are concerned about an employee, HSE has provided a Risk Assessment template you can use to keep a record of who might be harmed due to the stress levels and how. Assessing what is being done to control the risk, what further action you need to take to control the risks, who needs to carry out the action and when the action is needed by. You can download it here.

Just remember, you may not be able to take away someone’s stress, but you can certainly offer support to help them cope!


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